Change is an inevitable phenomenon in any organization. This was aptly observed that all organization are in a state of flux whether or not they want to recognize it and manager it, resist it or ignore it.
The manager that succeeds in managing his organization effectively is one that knows how to adopt and manage change in his organization. To survive dynamic competitive environment they must recognize the need for change.
The history of an organization is littered with the corpses of enterprises that failed to respond apposp the demand of the environment of change.
The inevitability of changes was expressed, in the following by kolosa (1969).
We may not recognize it or other wise be of it, we may oppose it or we may even try to accelerate it, no matter what our position may be, change make the course in the evaluation, of human effort.
Change may take place so slowly that it is not able to be seen in one generation or even two or more may occur with such rapidness that we are left some what breathless in the woke of were. The great challenge of management, today is to acceleration tempo of change that challenge, in an organization was socially put in the following words by peter (1980).
Turbulent market place, demands that we make innovation a way of life for every one must learn individual as an organization as vigorously as we fight it in the past.
People in an organization resist charge in different ways depending on how they perceive change. Thus, people’s resistance to change can take the form of withstanding change. It is in view of this, that the study want to look at work’s resistance to change by using some selected banks in Edo North sartorial district as a case study and these banks are UBA, GTB, FIRST BANK and FIDELITY BANK.
As pointed out in the background of this study, change is an all-important and pervasive feature of life. The hallmark of success in the contemporary organization is keeping up with important trends. Changes and the emerging Issues and problems which are only permanent characteristics of any organization.
Apart from changes which take place in the foregoing contexts, other kind of change are deliberately brought as a matter of policy and strategy aimed at achieving specific missions objectives and goals.
The modern executive therefore needs to be change oriented in his attitude and approach to Issues and situations consequently, it is necessary for the executive not only to react to changes but also to be able to anticipate and influence them.
1. Examining the causes of changes in the organization.
2. Determining the strategies of changes in the organization.
3. Knowing the ways of managing resistance to change in an organization.
This research work is intended to ask the following questions
The following hypothesis shall throw more light on this study.
Ho1: The consultation of workers by management before introducing a change will not influence the way they react to change in the organization
Ha1: The consultation of workers by management before introducing change will influence the way they react to change in the organization.
Ho2: changes have no impact on workers well-being in an organization
Ha2: Changes have impact on works well-being in the organization.
The scope of the study is on some selected banks in Edo North Amongst which are Union Bank of Africa (UBA), First Bank plc, intercontinental, Bank plc, Oceanic Bank plc
In this course of study questionnaires of this study shall be distributed in different categories of workers in the Banks included in this study. Also to be considered are Issues like sources of exchange causes of resistance to change and the management of resist area to change.
The significance of the study is two fold firstly its practical usefulness to the organization and those concerned with the management of workers. Practical significance this study is a case study, As Ectsein, (1960) has asserted that case study never prove anything, their purpose is to illustrate generalization which is established other wise or direct attention towards such generalization, thus, one of the practical of the study is to establish, and generate generalized view which will be useful to practioner this research is undertaken on the premise that those involved in the management, of workers in the organization will draw lessons from its findings.
Theoretical significance Apart from practical usefulness of practicing managers, work mainly is the analysis Endeavour
This work may have serve purpose, if it galvanizes, scholars into furthering the frontiers to knowledge, by making improvement in some errors that may have been discovered in the course of this study thus, the study of a particular, episode may suggest a further hypothesis which forms the basis of further, researchers and which in turn lay the foundation for generalization alternatively they may be interpreted as the general process.
In the course of this study, the researcher encountered some problems getting respondent for the study. As for the results of the banks, it was difficult getting them fill the questionnaires, distributed to them.
Secondly, time was not favorable in the sense that hours of lectures was sheered with collection of data for the research i.e combining class room activities with going to field to collect information for the reseated
The fact is that a number of banks under study further compounded the problems.
Thirdly, getting materials for the research due to the poor state of the polytechnic library. The researcher, was moving from one library to another looking for materials and articles on change.
This further aggregate the precarious financial situation of the researcher as a student.
Finally, getting funds to finance this study was as hill up task couple with the economic situation of the country.
Inspirit of these limiting factors, the researcher did her best to overcome, them therefore the reliability and the authoritative use of the research should not be under scored by its potential users.
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